Ferme de Guéhouville MEAT Limousine cattle are very well suited to our region. We chose them for their hardiness and ease of farming, but also for the quality of their meat, wh... 7 route de Guéhouville 28240 Belhomert-Guéhouville
Miel du Perche BEE-KEEPING PRODUCTS Miel du Perche has opened its own shop! Come and discover surprising products. Open from 5 pm during the week and Saturday afternoons. La Touffe 28480 Luigny
Ferme de La Belvindière POULTRY Our farm is located in Eure-et-Loir, in Perche, Chapelle Royale. For three generations, we have been raising poultry at our farm, with feed made solel... Les Belvindières 28290 Chapelle-Royale
L'oie et ses délices FOIE GRAS At the L’Oie et ses Délices poultry farm, you can purchase fattened geese, goose foie gras, rillettes, confits, farm chickens and farm geese directly... 8 La Cour Forière 28240 La Loupe
Ferme de la Bouverie MEAT At La Bouverie Farm, located near Nogent-le-Rotrou, discover a whole range of products made from their pigs. Roasts, knuckle, shin, filet mignon, pate... La Bouverie 28400 Arcisses